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For the first time in ages and ages, I don’t actually have a WIP today. I sent MAN FOR THE JOB and THE MORNING AFTER to my agent yesterday morning, leaving me with nothing on my writing To-Do list but the unpleasant task of writing synopses for both of them. Ugh.
(I have a new book brewing in the back of my mind, but I don’t want to get too far along with the pre-writing until I’ve heard back from Agent Emily, because the idea is a sort of sequel to MAN FOR THE JOB, and I’m not certain yet that I ought to be writing such a thing.)
At any rate, the situation forces me to post from the only work I actually have in progress, which is the synopsis for THE MORNING AFTER. Here’s my hook:

Cath Talarico has woken up in the wrong bed before. More times than she cares to count, in fact. But this time is different. This time, she hasn’t slept with him. Yet.

And now I shall return to the salt mines of Synopsisville…