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WIP Wednesday: Moving Walkway Edition

I added a rather improbable 24,600 words to the WIP this week (now called MAN FOR THE MOMENT… for the moment), and I’m heading into the home stretch of character-torturing before giving them the happy ending they deserve. Meanwhile, I can say with pride...

WIP Wednesday: Ms. Pac-Man Edition

Is there any other way to follow a cathartic revealing-of-emotional-scars-in-the-freezing-rain scene than with a rousing game of Ms. Pac-Man? Not in this book, there isn’t. Today’s WIP snippet is sponsored by My Childhood, which was, in turn, sponsored  by...

WIP Wednesday: Geek Fetish Edition

How is it Wednesday again? I have blog-guilt for failing to write a more substantive post at any point in the past few weeks. I’ve got some ideas rattling around in my head, though. Cross my heart and hope to die, I’ll post something soon about (a) writing...

WIP Wednesday: Wrong Guy Edition

What happens when your heroine tries to talk herself into sleeping with the guy everyone but her knows is not the hero of the book? This, among other things. ——— Katie kept rechecking her position, but it came out the same every time: she was in the...

WIP Wednesday: Yellow Towel Edition

Almost forgot to post a snippet today! I’m in the process of lengthening MAN FOR THE JOB this week, so here’s a favorite bit where Caleb is standing guard on Ellen’s porch (to prove a point, not because she’s in any real danger) and Ellen uses...

WIP Wednesday: Hotel Edition

It’s WIP Wednesday, so here’s a little snippet from my work-in-progress, which I’m still calling MAN OF THE HOUR. I’ve sent Sean and Katie to a swanky hotel in Louisville, and Katie’s just found out they’re going to have to share a...