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He'd Only Seen Her

Heroine-shaming is rampant in romance — so often, as readers, we’ll forgive the hero literally anything but find we just can’t connect with the heroine, that we just don’t like her, that she seems too young, too irresponsible, or makes bad choices we...

Gimme the List

I’ve always liked the idea of a list, the way it can work in a novel between two characters to give them stakes, to give them freedom, and to put a little pressure on them. In my very first romance manuscript, the heroine flies to Hawaii with a list scrawled out...

Unicorn Man

Those of you who read Truly might remember that Allie, who is the heroine of Madly, comes very close to getting married for all the wrong reasons at the end of that book — but after talking to her sister decides, ultimately, to cancel her wedding to Matt. As I thought...